TROUBLE comes sometime to everyone, invited or uninvited. The old song from the country music television show "HEE HAW" of some years ago included these lyrics; "Gloom, despair and agony on me, deep dark depression, excessive misery, if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. Gloom, despair and agony on me." Trouble got you feeling this way? Unfortunately, this describes the feeling of some people in these crazy days. Since trouble seems to have no favorites, makes no exceptions, and comes sooner or later to all, it is worth while taking time to consider how to meet it. It will help us to face it triumphantly if we will keep in mind certain FACTS!
FACT NUMBER ONE. When trouble comes, remember that no matter how things look, no matter how we feel, God loves you and me! It is good to realize that whatever our moods or feelings are, God always loves! The love of God always remains; it cannot be taken away from us. His "love-lamp" never goes out. His invisible strength never fails us. The main thing is to become sure of God's love in everything. Jesus Christ had His own foundation on that rock, and accepted all of His experiences here on earth as coming from His Loving Father in heaven. "The secret of making friends with life and being joyful is to catch Christ's vision of the [loving] God who is behind the whole experience of life." (James Reid)
FACT NUMBER TWO. When trouble comes, remember that nothing can come to us except by God's permission. If God allows it to come, it is for our highest good! Is it not comforting and reassuring to know that no matter how difficult and unjust trouble may be (even when it seems to be from satan) it is in God's will for us to be used by Him to work for good to us? "For God causes all things to work together for good to us who love God. . . that we might be conformed to the likeness of His Son (Jesus)." (Romans 8:28-29) The main thing here is for us to be in the center of God's will. All the attacks that satan can hurl against us are not only powerless to harm us, but are purposefully turned into blessings from God. I am not saying that it is God's will for us to like or enjoy the trouble itself, but that we must like and enjoy God's will IN the trouble, and rejoice in His faithful presence, equipping us to go through the trouble victoriously! Again, Jesus Christ recognized that nothing that came to Him was considered worthless; for in His humanity He knew that what came to Him came from the will of His Father: Everything was for a specific purpose, and was to be used in the building of character and enrichment of His inner spirit. He accepted everything He went through as taken from God's hand to make Him "the captain of our salvation." (Hebrews 2:10) "In times of trouble, say, 'I am here, by God's appointment, in His keeping, under His training, for His time' " (Andrew Murray) We can always count on God to make the "afterward" of difficulties, if rightly overcome, at least a thousand times better and blest. "Now no chastening (trouble or discipline) for the present time seems to be joyous, but sad and painful; yet AFTERWARD (caps added) it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. . . ." (Hebrews 12:11)
FACT NUMBER THREE. When trouble comes, remember that we have the wonderful "peace of God which surpasses all understanding, that guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7) His peace abides in us in the midst of the deepest and darkest trouble! Consider this true story: John Edwin Davis went to India after college and there he faithfully preached the Gospel, established Christian schools, and founded a home for lepers. Eventually, his health failed and he had to return home. At home, he had thorough medical examinations and was found to have leprosy. One can scarcely imagine the devastating shock that verdict was to him and his wife. It meant the end of his missionary ministry, separation from his family, suffering, and solitary confinement. But his faith was equal to the test and he was able to put himself in the hands of God. He said with Job, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. (Job 13:15) If leprosy is God's will for me, then come on leprosy and do your worst, I have no fear."
For a time, Mr. Davis lived alone in a little shack in his back yard in Canada. Then in 1910, he went to a leper colony and remained there for six years, slowly dying, He was blind, covered with a mass of ulcerous sores, could neither dress or feed himself and had much trouble sleeping. (And we think we have trouble?) A friend, after a delightful day of fellowship, was saying goodbye and as he did his voice broke. John spoke up, "Do not pity me, I do not need pity because I am the happiest man in the world. . . . My little room is filled with God's presence and peace. At times my joy is so full that I cry out to God to lift His hand or I shall die of it." Although deprived of everything men value, he was supremely joyful because he had God! Wow, that leaves me speechless, how about you?
FACT NUMBER FOUR. When trouble comes, remember to refuse to grow rebellious or bitter; but be submissive to God's will. Dr. Guy E. Mark tells about a Christian woman who was very sick and in much pain. As she lay on her bed she had no consciousness of God's presence; it seemed He had forsaken her. Bitterness was in her heart. Had she not had trouble and suffering enough? Thus she reasoned day after day. Finally, she came to the place where she was able to say, "Lord, Thy will be done." At once it was all different in her mind and heart. The presence of God became real; His glory filled her soul. The experience was indescribable. From that very hour she began to improve and was soon well and about her work.
NOTE: I am NOT saying these experiences would or should be true of every Chistian, but I do know that God's grace is totally sufficient for any and all of OUR needs, concerns and trouble! He deals with each of US in His own way and in His own time. Let's not fight God; let us rather yield to Him in reverent submission!
FACT NUMBER FIVE. When trouble comes, remember that even though we may suffer much with trouble, there are still blessings beyond measure for which to be thankful! Dr. John Watson went to visit a member of his congregation who had met with great financial loss. Dr. Watson found his friend utterly broken. "Everything is gone" the man moaned. "What!?" said Dr. Watson. "I am sorry to hear that your wife is dead." The man looked up in total surprise. "My wife dead?" he questioned. "And I am very much grieved to hear that you have lost your character," added Dr. Watson. He hurried on to mention other calamities until at last the man protested that he still had all of these things. "But I thought you said you lost everything?" said Dr. Watson. "Sir, you have lost none of the blessings that are worth while that God has given you." Thus, Dr. Watson saw his friend move from despair to being "on the wings of praise."
FACT NUMBER SIX. When trouble comes, remember it will not last forever. Our circumstances may seem heavy, but let's keep in mind that it is just for the season. A Christian song includes this lyric: "Hold on my child, joy comes in the morning. Weeping only lasts for the night. The darkest hour is just before the dawn." The burden and sorrow we have will pass. Time does not do it and it alone does not heal; God relieves and delivers us! "Trouble is for the moment. That is optimism based on the Word of God." (A.S. London)
FACT NUMBER SEVEN. When trouble comes, remember do not try to understand ALL of God's dealings with us; let's be content to wait until His time to reveal what now appears to be a mystery. We cannot figure God or His ways out! "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways", says the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8) When we encounter roadblocks in our attempts to figure out God and His ways of dealing with people, the reason often is that our perceived solutions are grounded in the wisdom of men which is just foolishness to God. (I Corinthians 3:19) It is not necessary that we understand ALL of God's ways, and know the reasons behind ALL tragedies, heart-aches, pain, loss, hurt, injustice, disappointments, frustrations, spoiled plans, etc. God does not expect us to comprehend the whys. Abraham did not grasp WHY God would ask him to sacrifice his promised son, but he trusted God. We can do the same! "Sometime in the glory world if not in this, you will understand ALL." (Harriet Miner) Do not entertain fret; rather entertain FAITH and TRUST!
These FACTS are essential to meeting trouble when it comes and in helping us to face trouble triumphantly!
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